How to Use async/await with The Fetch API in JavaScript

The power of async-await and the fetch API in JavaScript.

Mehdi Aoussiad
4 min readMar 4, 2022
async-await and the fetch API in JavaScript
Photo by Jexo on Unsplash

Using the fetch API is a good idea if you want to make HTTP requests and get data from APIs. It’s easy to use, you only need to know JavaScript.

The fetch API is an alternative to the old XML HttpRequest. However, the majority of developers prefer to use fetch because it’s very simple and straightforward. Since the method fetch() returns a promise, we can use async/await syntax to make our code cleaner and easy to read.

In this article, we’ll learn about the fetch API and how to use it with async/await syntax. Let’s get started.

Introduction to the fetch API

The fetch API is the easiest way to assess resources in the network. It’s a tool that allows us to make HTTP requests using different methods such as GET, POST, etc.

To start making requests, we use the method fetch() and pass it the required arguments. The fetch method accepts two arguments:

  • The 1st argument: the URL where you want to make the request(in a string). It can also take a response object.
  • The 2nd argument: A configuration object that takes properties for the request method, headers, body, and…



Mehdi Aoussiad

Front-End Web Developer from Morocco. I focus on writing useful articles for you(Web dev/SEO). Follow me on Twitter:➡️